
Antigone costumes

Images by FotoPalffy

Due to it's success the two plays König Ödipus and Antigone are on stage again this month.
I was honoured to re-create the original costume ideas for ANTIGONE. As I have already been working with Superated on the costumes for the Ödipus play it was a good way to move the same theme to the other act.
If you live in Vienna or close by there's still a chance to see one or even both of the plays @Theater Spielraum!
Just check their page for available tickets: http://www.theaterspielraum.at/

treasure hunt on the hard drive

Sometimes it's good to go through your hard drive!
Because as I did so yesterday I found this little feature in the summer issue of Indie, the Independent Style Magazine including a nice little interview!

About Me

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Vienna, Austria
Call me a tie dye punk. I live my passion for manipulating textiles and my love for arts, music, pop culture, literature & fashion. It all comes together within my label.