
Fan Death name mystery is solved!

As I was hoping, after my yesterday's article about Fan Death- Marta was so kind to tell me the answer to my question- here's what she said:

And yes, we are named after the urban myth, mainly because Dandi thought it was such a bizzare concept!
Apparently, some fans in South Korea have built-in timers that switches them off automatically, due to this fear of suffication."

1 comment:

  1. hi! i just found your blog!

    would you like to follow each other?? i always follow back!! = )

    Good news comming soon! i would like you to participate = )

    kisses from La Mode En Rose= )


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Vienna, Austria
Call me a tie dye punk. I live my passion for manipulating textiles and my love for arts, music, pop culture, literature & fashion. It all comes together within my label.